Aired: Thursday, February 29th 1996
8:00 P.M. Arts and Entertainment Channel
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Message Received: Friday, March 1 1996. 12:30
From: Grega Soltys
I too watched the Episode on A&E, and I was very dissapointed in the coverage given to the Maybrick Diary. True there are some discrepincies in the diary, but we have to take into account the fact that the man was an arsenic user, how competant could he be in recalling such apalling acts? As well the diary contained many facts not released to the public. Plus the fact that upon further examination the M's he claimed to have placed at the scenes and on one of the victims can be seen.
I was not at all impressed with the gentleman's dismissal of the diary based on the ink, I'm sure he could have been a bit more specific in dismissing one of the best leads into the murders on the century.
Well that's my opinion, many people may think that I am just jumping on the bandwagon in believing the diary, and that's their opinion. All I can ask is why would a respectable, upper-middle class gentleman claim to be the most notorious murderer in history, and I don't want people to answer with, "Well than obviously he did not write it." I want people to really think.
I personally want proof, real hard evidence to prove it is a fake, because right now I believe, and I am not one of those people who takes everything at face value. I am a twenty year old College student in London, ON Canada, I have had my share of research projects so I am constantly asking Why? This is just one of the more facinating Why's I have ever tried to figure out.
Grega M. Soltys
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 00:37:33 -1000
From: Gailene Va. Holley
The special was interesting though the curt dismissal of the Maybrick Diary was disappointing...but I thought it was reasonably well done.
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 1996 13:30:17 -0600
From: Lonnie Adkins
Yes, I have the same comments as you have. I wondered why they never have brought up the Maybrick part of it. I feel that it was well done. Why not Maybrick? Police bungling was there just like today. Too many peas in the pod and no one agreeing; coverups; not knowing what info others have that are working on the same case.
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